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Child Birth/ Delivery

Bringing a baby into this world is a colossal task that is achieved with careful planning and the right care. Although vaginal delivery is considered the normal delivery method, couples should look at other techniques and therapies that may make the process easier, safer or more convenient for the mother and child.

Vaginal Delivery

When a baby is delivered via the birth canal of the womb, the delivery is termed as vaginal delivery or natural birth. Most doctors will recommend it as long as it is possible and will, at all times, opt to avoid going for caesarean delivery (see below). For a mother planning to have multiple children, vaginal births are highly recommended. However sometimes complications in baby or mother can necessitate caeserean delivery

Caesarean Section (C-section)

In a C-section, a surgical incision is made in the mother’s belly and uterus, and the baby is then delivered. A C-section can be planned as many women opt for it, or can also be performed when the nature of pregnancy demands. It can be unplanned too, as complications can arise during labour and a C-section may make the delivery a lot safer for the mother and the baby.

Assisted Vaginal Delivery

The type of birth is vaginal delivery. When needed, assisted delivery methods are often used. Although labour is a straightforward and noncomplex process, it can require the assistance of additional medical staff. The assistance can vary from emergency delivery procedures to the use of medicines.Instruments like forceps or vacuum may be needed to deliver the baby vaginally. Vaginal deliveries can be made painless using epidural analgesia.